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Fast & Secure VPN Service in Bangladesh

Connect through a Bangladeshi IP address and visit all Websites in Bangladesh without any restrictions. CPBD HOST provides a dedicated VPN service hosted at a leading Datacenter in Bangladesh, featuring fast BDIX Connectivity. Each VPN account gets a dedicated (1) IP on a dedicated VPS. Your IP is not shared with other VPN customers. Alpha VPN is based on Open VPN, the most popular and widely used VPN software in the world. Open VPN is easy to set up and supported on all platforms.

VPN Packages and Pricing










Download OpenVPN Software

OpenVPN Windows Software


OpenVPN Android App

Protect Your Browser from Hacker & Surveillance with VPN

Connect to our VPN Server in Bangladesh through a secure, encrypted Tunnel. You will browse the Internet and visit Websites as if you are a visitor from Bangladesh. Because of BDIX connectivity and fast international bandwidth at our Datacenter, you will have a very fast connection to Websites in Bangladesh.

Multi-Platform VPN Software

CPBDHOST’s BD VPN is based on OpenVPN. It is a popular VPN software, available for every platform including Windows, Linux, Apple/iOS & Android Smart Phones, and devices. You can easily set up multiple devices with a single VPN account. Your VPN account details will be emailed to you immediately after the order.

Access All Websites in Bangladesh

With Alpha VPN’s pure BD IP, you will be able to access every website in Bangladesh, even those not accessible from outside of Bangladesh. You can also connect to services or API that are blocked from visitors outside of Bangladesh. If you are not able to access a Bangladeshi website from your country, you can easily access it through our VPN service.